San Fransisco based company Fitbit has introduced 7 of its latest fitness gadgets in India for every budget. The gadgets include 5 activity trackers named flex, ChargeHR, zip, one and charge, an Aria smart scale, and a powerful surge smartwatch. The devices are priced between 4000 and 20000 Rupees.

The Fitbit surge ultimate Superwatch has plenty of smart functions to improve your physique, health, and training. It packs with light and heart rate sensors. The 1st sensor constantly records your sleeping activity and 2nd keeps a track of your heart rate.

The Fitbit Surge has a great battery life and its internal components are active all the time. Like other smartwatches, this Fitbit device includes GPS. Thus, surge makes users aware of the distance they’ve walked or run, steps they’ve climbed and their exercise duration.

Surge Superwatch comes with an alarm and a vibration system. It tracks calories you’ve burned after a workout (or any other physical activity). It can sync your activity data to more than 100 top phones that run on IOS, Blackberry, Android or Windows phone operating system.

As connectivity with a mobile device is supported by surge watch, your wireless activity will be displayed on its notification panel. This gadget includes a smart caller ID system along with an OLED display. It is priced at 19900 Rupees.

Fitbit One, ChargeHR, Zip and flex activity trackers are derived from surge Superwatch and they offer limited features. They can be used at any place i.e gym, office, club, etc.

Priced around 7K, Flex has an LED indicator whereas the other 3 devices have an OLED screen. Flex doesn’t include a clock. It can’t detect user’s climbing activities as well.

ChargeHR lacks notification system and GPS module and its other specs are same as Fitbit Surge. It will cost you 9990 Rs. Zip is the cheapest health gadget from Fitbit.

Available in 4 size and color options, this device should be carried in your pocket. Zip tracks your calories, running and walking activity. It is available for below Rs 4000.

Fitbit Aria, the weigh scale is expensive (Priced around 10000) but it has some useful features. Aria can recognize individual users (max 8). It has WiFi connectivity option.

Along with your weight, this device makes you aware of body mass index, fat percentage, etc. You can transfer your tracking data online on Fitbit official website using the inbuilt WiFi module.

Aria is compatible with other Fitbit products. Visit Amazon to preorder any of the above 7 devices.


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