Microsoft Corporation has launched a new Lumia series handset in India for 9200 Rupees. This phone is available in 6 different color options – green, Grey, orange, black, cyan and white. It is being sold with some very attractive offers. Buyers will get free Jabong vouchers worth Rs 6000. They’ll get eBooks worth 1500 and a 150 Rs recharge from PayTM. Vodafone subscribers will get free 500 MB internet pack.
Talking about the underlying hardware and the preloaded software, Nokia Lumia 535 features a 5.0 megapixel primary and 5.0 MP secondary camera. The front snapper uses the same sensor as the Lumia 730. The rear and front cameras include f2.2 aperture lens. Thus, users won’t be disappointed with the camera output. This Lumia smartphone around 9000 features a 1.2 gigahertz Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 quad-core processor.
It is incorporated with an 8 GB storage hardware. It has 5.0 inches high-definition display. The phone features Gorilla Glass 3 protection. It packs with a decent 1905 mAh battery. Lumia 535 delivers 23 days of standby time.
This device comes with Microsoft Windows 8.1 phone OS with Denim update. It has a thickness of 8.8 millimeters. This phone packs with proximity, ambient light and accelerometer sensors. It comes with GLONASS navigation technology. Preloaded Windows apps in Microsoft Lumia 535 are Microsoft Bing Vision, Office, Lumia selfie and creative studio.
This handset includes a MicroSD card slot. It comes with the Microsoft OneDrive app. Just like most other Lumia series phones, Microsoft is offering free 15 GB of free space on its OverDrive cloud storage platform. The phone will be listed on some eCommerce sites on 28th of November.
Update: Lumia 535 can be purchased for around 6300 Rs on Flipkart.
i want to buy a smartphone under 10000,but i just wanna take a phone from nokia lumia series……suggest me some phones…..
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