Every mobile device comes installed with WhatsApp along with the OS. After gaining immense popularity within a short time span, WhatsApp was updated to support the national language of every major country to attract more users.

The app got the support for Hindi in January last year. Although it supports our national language, typing words can be a painstaking task if you don’t use the Hindi keyboard for Android or the official translator app from Google.

Google has launched the Android keyboard, especially for the Indian nationals. You can use it to translate English words in India’s national language quickly. It also allows the user to set Facebook or any other supported social network including Whatsapp status in Hindi.

google hindi input

All the user have to do is:

  1. Install the app from the play store.
  2. Go to the settings section in your phone/ tablet.
  3. Go to language and input option in the settings.
  4. Check the Hindi input option, click on the default button and select Hindi.
  5. Done.

Follow this procedure if you want to type your status update conveniently.

Or install Google Translate app for Android to convert English sentences instantly to any local Indian language of your choice.

Whatsapp status in Hindi

Or to find the best status, check out the communication category on the Google play store. Here you’ll find an extensive collection of quotation, Shayari, Funny joke apps for Android. Install any one of the software on your smartphone or the tablet and run it. If you find a message in Hindi, which is worth to be shared with your friends or relatives, copy it and post the text as a WhatsApp status update. If it’s in English, feel free to translate and share it

Here are some top WhatsApp status quotes/messages in Hindi.

The above messages were shared by some of my friends in a WhatsApp group. I’ll keep updating this article with more interesting articles and statuses.


  1. Anshuman Singh

    Love this image


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