Hello friends! Our today’s tutorial will help you to download and install BBM on all versions of Windows OS. This instant messaging app comes with many interesting features that include:

Free voice calls:-This feature would be active front next month i.e (February).
Emoticons:- With emoticons for BBM, you can express your thoughts via smileys.
Share files: With blackberry messenger, you can share images, voice notes, documents with your friends.
Multi-person Chat:- With this IM, you can chat with many of your friends simultaneously.

One unique and interesting feature of this app is that you don’t have to use phone numbers to connect with your friends. Each user of this popular messenger is given a unique PIN, which can be used to find or connect with other friends that use the BBM. Well, If you’ve not yet downloaded and used this app on your phone or tablet, then please use the below links to get BBM.

For Android or IOS.

Download BBM for PC | Windows (7/8/XP) Computer

If you’re already using this app on phone and if you want to run it on your computer, kindly follow any of the below tutorials:

Download BBM for PC or Windows PC

Tutorial 1 (Offline).

  1. Kindly download Bluestacks for windows PC.
  2. If the file has been downloaded, run the setup and install Bluestacks on your PC.
  3. Download APK for BBM from any website you see in the Google search results. For this to happen, search BBM APK on Google.
  4. Right click on the downloaded APK file. Select open with Bluestacks.
  5. Follow every instruction that the installer displays on the screen.
  6. Done. You’ve done all the necessary tasks. Now you should be able to run it via PC or Windows OS computer.

Tutorial 2: (Online)

  1. Download and install Bluestacks.
  2. Go to Bluestacks search panel.
  3. Type BBM or blackberry messenger.
  4. Hit enter.
  5. Now you’ll be able to see BBM icon. Double click on it to begin the installation.
  6. Done.


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